Textile 평가분야 :

Evaluation category  Criteria
Selection of Materials Textile fiber Cotton Fibers
Organic content 
IPM content 
Man-made cellulose fibers
Certified sustainable pulp
Recycled content 
Recycled content 
Use of Biobased Raw Materials
Design phase Eco-Design ISO 14025 (LCA, PCF, EPD, 3rd pary verification)
Manufacture phase Management of Hazardous Substances Restricted Substance List (RSL)
Surfactants, softeners and complexing agents
*Detergents Ingredients Database, version 2014.1
Spinning process
maximum oxygen depletion/carbon dioxide generation
Eliminability: degradation of dissolved organic carbon 
Finished product
Formaldehyde residues
Specific biocides 
Extractable metals
* AFIRM-Synthetic fib
Energy management systems
ISO 50001 or equivalent systems for energy
Carbon dioxide emissions
Manufacturing process/efficiency increase activity
Treatment of emissions to air and water
Waste water management
Specific Water Pollutants
Other pollutants
* If the effluent is treated on site and discharged directly to surface waters,
pH between 6,0 and 9,0
temperature of less than 35 oC
Air emissions management
Total emissions of organic compounds to air
NOx, SOx, TSP etc.
Management Activity Corporate Social Responsibility Fundamental principles and rights at work
International Labour Organisation's (ILO) Core Labour Standards
OECD Guidelines for Multi-National Enterprises
ESG Management
ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 37001
Greenhouse gas emissions
Sustainability report
ESG supply chain assessment